
Case Study: Develop Solutions Cloud Management Success with Microtica

Develop Solutions

The success story of a software developer, who transformed his cloud management with Microtica. Uncover metrics reflecting reduced deployment times, cost savings, and fast migration.


Samuel Simeon (Sam), a software developer running a small software development company called Develop Solutions, needed a reliable and efficient way to manage multiple client accounts on AWS. He was initially overwhelmed by the complexity of AWS and Azure, but he found Microtica to be a user-friendly and cost-effective solution.

The Problem:

Sam was using a variety of tools to manage his AWS accounts, but they ended up being time-consuming and cumbersome. At the most recent time he was hosting his applications on Heroku, but after having issues and high bills, he decided to move to AWS. He needed a solution that would allow him to quickly and easily manage his client accounts without having to spend hours learning new tools.

Exploring Solutions:

Sam considered several different solutions, including AWS and Azure. However, he found both platforms to be too complex and difficult to use. He was also concerned about the cost of using these platforms.

Azure and AWS are super complicated. So as a company you need to get on cloud, you need an expert in AWS and they need to understand everything or at least be able to understand the documentation of Amazon's developer platform.” - Samuel Simeon, Founder & Product Development at Develop Solutions

Discovering Microtica:

On his quest to migrate from Heroku to AWS, and through his online research, Sam discovered Microtica. He was immediately impressed by the platform's ease of use and affordability. He decided to give Microtica a try, and he was quickly impressed with the results.

Why Microtica Stood Out:

Microtica offered several key features that made it the ideal solution for Sam:

  • Ease of use: Microtica's platform is very easy to use, developer-friendly and intuitive. Sam was able to quickly deploy his applications using the platform, and manage his AWS accounts with ease.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Microtica is a very affordable solution, especially compared to other cloud management platforms. Sam was able to save a significant amount of money by switching to Microtica.
  • Expert support: Microtica offers excellent customer support. Sam was able to get help from the Microtica team and quickly resolve migration-related and  AWS-related issues.

The Impact:

After incorporating Microtica into his workflow for several months, Sam has experienced numerous benefits that have transformed his experience in deploying, monitoring, and reviewing applications:

  • Time savings: With Microtica, Sam has reclaimed significant chunks of time. No more agonizing hours managing his AWS accounts – he's streamlined his processes effortlessly.
  • Cost efficiency: Sam has been able to save money by using Microtica. He is no longer paying for expensive cloud management platforms.
  • Increased productivity: Microtica has become Sam's secret weapon for efficiency. Swift and easy management of AWS accounts has become the new norm, boosting his overall productivity.
  • Reduced stress: The worry of AWS account management is gone, leaving him free to focus on more critical aspects of his work.


Sam's journey with Microtica exemplifies the platform's transformative potential for businesses seeking streamlined and cost-effective cloud management. Microtica's intuitive interface, affordability, and exceptional support have empowered Sam to significantly reduce time spent on cloud administration, allowing him to focus on core business activities.

"Microtica is a game-changer for small businesses like mine," enthuses Sam. "It's simple to use, saves me valuable time and resources, and the support is fantastic. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Microtica to anyone looking to manage their AWS accounts efficiently and effectively."

Contact Microtica today to learn how they can help you manage your cloud accounts.

decrease in deployment time
reduction in cloud management costs
faster onboarding on the platform