Save up to 60% on your next cloud bill
Powerful yet effortless features
Reduce cloud waste by focusing on resources that have the biggest cost impact
Comprehensive cost reports
Receive weekly/monthly cost reports and forecasts in your inbox. Stay up-to-date with your savings without having to login to your cloud account and perform complex analysis.
Cost explorer and dashboard
Observe and monitor your savings in one cost savings and forecasts dashboard. Highlight the most expensive resources in your cloud account. Get a cloud spending forecast to better plan your cloud budget.
Automated saving schedules
Define custom sleep schedules for your cloud environments. Once the schedule is active, Microtica goes in autopilot mode and takes care of the rest. You can turn on any cloud resource if you need it in a certain moment.
Personalized recommendations
Receive personalized recommendations on saving opportunities tailored to your unique cloud usage. Optimize your configuration, right-size resources, and adopt best practices to maximize your savings.
“Microtica's Cloud Cost Optimization feature transformed our AWS spending. With intuitive dashboards, automated savings, and accurate forecasts, we reduced costs, eliminated waste, and gained valuable insights for better decision-making. Highly recommended for efficient cost management.”
Streamline your cost optimization process
Connect your cloud account
Easily connect your cloud account to Microtica and grant necessary permissions for data analysis.
Monitor costs and savings
Dive into detailed cost reports and analyze your spending patterns to identify areas for optimization. Visualize cost breakdowns and identify cost drivers.
Configure custom sleep cycles
Define your custom cloud sleep schedules based on your usage. Activate the schedule and let Microtica save automatically.
Additional resources
Partnership Announcement: Microtica x Cloudvisor
Discover how Microtica’s partnership with Cloudvisor unlocks exclusive AWS benefits, including up to $10,000 in credits, cost optimizations, and dedicated support from AWS-certified architects.
Building Custom Cloud Components with CloudFormation and Terraform on Microtica
Leverage Terraform and CloudFormation on Microtica to create and manage custom cloud components and enhance deployment efficiency.
Introducing Alerts and Incidents
With proactive alerts and incidents, teams can be on top of their infrastructure and application health and improve the overall DevOps journey.
Maximize your cloud efficiency, minimize your costs.
By leveraging advanced analytics and intelligent recommendations, you can reduce cloud waste, improve resource utilization and achieve significant savings.