
How does a high performant development team use Microtica to deliver their client’s apps?


Banzae was looking for an experienced DevOps professional to join their team and set up the whole infrastructure for their latest project on AWS. In that chase for an engineer that will fulfill the client's requirements, they found the Microtica platform.

Before Microtica: Starting the latest project without DevOps knowledge was unachievable

Banzae is a Dev-Shop company focused on creating, developing, and maintaining products such as desktop applications, and web and mobile applications which are spread out to different industries such as medical care, restaurant ordering, DMS, mobile games, earthquake sensors monitoring, and air quality sensors monitoring.

For the needs of their latest client, who was looking for several mobile applications to be built on AWS as a cloud provider, they started looking for an experienced DevOps professional to join their team and handle that missing peace.

Coming across a solution: infrastructure on AWS, automated deployments, versioning

While the team was on a quest to find the appropriate candidate, they discovered Microtica. In a short demo, they found out that Microtica can boost their current team to evolve in DevOps automation while meeting the necessities of the project. During the demo, the Banzae team had a list of requirements in order to understand if Microtica is the right fit for them. On that list they had:

  • Fast AWS infrastructure setup
  • Easy to use
  • App deployments
  • Infrastructure ownership
  • Version control
  • Automated rollbacks
  • Support during the setup

Outcome: A high-performant development team that delivers on AWS

Our self-service platform has enabled the current development team in Banzae to handle AWS infrastructure without a dedicated DevOps professional. After starting to use the platform, the developers began building their DevOps knowledge and expertise, and now are one of the most active ones in our communities. With Microtica, the Banzae team now can:

  • Be confident in the cloud deployments 
  • Focus on developing the products instead of dealing with the complexity of the AWS ecosystem
  • Shorten the projects timelines

“Microtica has enabled us to set up a scalable infrastructure on AWS for all of our projects, without requiring any DevOps knowledge. This is now an essential part of our development toolchain, and I would recommend Microtica to anyone who wants to get started with AWS.”

Ivan Janjik
Development Team Lead at

Faster delivery time
Increase in successful deployments
Less DevOps costs