Unlock cloud cost optimization
and maximize savings

Get started

Powerful yet effortless features

Reduce cloud waste by focusing on non-production environments and cloud resources that have the biggest cost impact

Comprehensive cost reports

Receive weekly/monthly cost reports and forecasts in your inbox. With this, you'll always be up-to-date with your savings without having to login to your AWS account and perform complex analysis.

Cost explorer and dashboard

Observe and monitor your savings in one cost savings and forecasts dashboard. Highlight the most expensive resources in your cloud account. Get a cloud spending forecast to better plan your cloud budget.

Automated saving schedules

Define custom sleep schedules for your cloud environments. Once the schedule is active, Microtica goes in autopilot mode and takes care of the rest. You can turn on any cloud resource if you need it in a certain moment.

Personalized recommendations

Receive personalized recommendations on saving opportunities tailored to your unique cloud usage. Optimize your configuration, right-size resources, and adopt best practices to maximize your savings.

“Microtica's Cloud Cost Optimization feature transformed our AWS spending. With intuitive dashboards, automated savings, and accurate forecasts, we reduced costs, eliminated waste, and gained valuable insights for better decision-making. Highly recommended for efficient cost management.”

Juan Carlos Torres
AWS Engineer at MWVCOG

Streamline your cost optimization process

Connect your AWS account

Easily connect your AWS account to Microtica and grant necessary permissions for data analysis.

Monitor costs and savings

Dive into detailed cost reports and analyze your spending patterns to identify areas for optimization. Visualize cost breakdowns and identify cost drivers.

Configure custom sleep cycles

Define your custom cloud sleep schedules based on your usage. Activate the schedule and let Microtica save automatically.


Additional resources

A FREE guide to Cost Optimization with 15+ practical tips on how to reduce your AWS costs and increase your savings. Downloadable in a PDF version.

A how-to article that will walk you through the step-by-step process of leveraging Microtica's cost optimization feature to achieve significant AWS cost savings.

Read the article

Discover our blog's Cost Optimization category for expert articles on maximizing savings, cost optimization strategies, and estimating techniques for your AWS budget.

Explore the blog
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Start saving time on your next cloud infrastructure setup

Setting up and debugging infrastructure manually takes time and effort. So, get the most out of your dev time by using our pre-configured infrastructure and application templates.